Suggested Keywords

Suggested Keywords

Suggested Keywords

This feature is designed to help you identify potential keywords that can enhance your website's visibility and search engine optimization (SEO). The Nytro system operates in the background to automatically identify suggested keywords as part of the machine learning process of the website. However, you can also manually add keywords from any keyword research tool for optimal results.

Below is an overview of how 'Suggested Keywords' works and how you can utilize this feature for optimal results.

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Understanding Suggested Keywords

The 'Suggested Keywords' section displays a list of keywords recommended specifically for your website. These suggestions are generated based on a comprehensive analysis of various factors, including:

  • Website Content Analysis: The content on your website is scanned to identify potential keywords that are relevant to your site's subject matter.
  • External Search Engine Indicators: We also consider external factors such as current search trends, keyword popularity, and competitiveness.

Each suggested keyword is accompanied by a score. This score represents the keyword's promotional potential of the Keyword in relation to your website. Note: This is not a typical Keyword Research tool, that identifies possible Keywords to focus on without relevance to your website content and performance. 

Keyword Scoring and Color-Coding

The scoring of suggested keywords is visually represented, typically with a color-coding system. For example, keywords with a 'Green' score are considered highly beneficial and are strong candidates for optimization.

How to Use Suggested Keywords

  1. Review the List: Regularly check the 'Suggested Keywords' section for new recommendations.
  2. Understand the Scoring: Pay attention to the score of each keyword. A higher score suggests a greater potential for SEO impact.
  3. Activate Keywords: To start optimizing a suggested keyword, simply enable the 'Promotion' icon next to it. This action will add the keyword to your active SEO plan.

Important Notes

  • Non-Activated Keywords: Keywords that appear in the 'Suggested Keywords' section are not automatically activated for promotion. This means they are not yet added to your website’s meta-tags or counted as part of your plan's keyword limits.
  • Manual Activation Required: It’s up to you to review and decide which suggested keywords to activate based on their scores and relevance to your content.
  • Dynamic Suggestions: The list of suggested keywords is dynamic and may change based on the evolving content of your website and fluctuations in external search engine indicators.


'Suggested Keywords' is a powerful and effective tool. By carefully reviewing and selectively activating keywords, you can significantly enhance your website’s search engine performance for these Keywords and topics. For further assistance or queries, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

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