Adding Nytro Prompt Script as a Bookmark to Chrome browser
Adding Nytro Prompt Script as a Bookmark to Chrome browser
1. Enter the Bookmark Name: "Nytro Run Prompt" or any you want
2. Enter the Bookmark URL:
javascript:(function(){var urlParams={};(function(){var match,pl=/\+/g,search=/([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g,decode=function(s){return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pl," "))},;while(match=search.exec(query))urlParams[decode(match[1])]=decode(match[2])})();console.log("urlParams",urlParams);const prompt=urlParams.prompt;const promptDiv=document.querySelector(%27div[contenteditable="true"]#prompt-textarea');if(prompt&&promptDiv){const formattedPrompt=prompt.replace(/_/g,"\r\n;\r\n");promptDiv.textContent=formattedPrompt;promptDiv.dispatchEvent(new Event('input',{bubbles:true}));setTimeout(()=>{const sendButton=document.querySelector('button[data-testid="send-button"]');if(sendButton){}else{alert('Send button not found.')}},300);}else{alert('Prompt not found or ChatGPT input field missing.')}})();
3. Save.
2. Choose Keywords and Press Generate Content
3. Define Settings and Press Generate
4. Click on the "Nytro Run Prompt" Bookmarklet.
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